Hunter’s test – studying the giant anatomy and movements


Working on a giant is the more difficult task on a game like Hunter’s Tale. The normal animations are only of few frames, and as they are small and fast they work pretty well. But when it comes to a giant thing, that means it will naturally be slower than any of the smaller monsters, and therefore will require more frames, double, maybe three times the frames. Also, there won’t be an animation including the whole giant. It would be too heavy and not useful to be put inengine, so you have to fragment the work and start thinking about the single pieces.

It’s not a hard work in terms of movements. There are tons of movies and games to be inspired with, and as it look like a human in terms of proportions the movements look human. The issue is about making them fit the size of he character. This leg, for example, is way too fast.



This head instead worked pretty fine actually. It trembles and it’s slow but not too much slow-it still feel like a raging scream. I’m probably going to change the angle though, and make it look down at the character.



The arm too is way too fast, but it’s only a wip about rotation, as I’m trying to make those animations directly with Aseprite.

Surely I will need much more work to build this guy properly.


(this post is still to be finished)

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